About Us

For All!

Welcome to 4x4 Cape Club we are based in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa. Established in 2004 and since its inception the club has swelled to a membership of 50 plus members. The 4x4 Cape Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month at the Cape Multi-Motor Club housed next to the Northern's Rugby Club in Parow. We try to go on day trips or weekend trips once a month. These are well planned and co-ordinated by a committee member, ensuring safety on the route and protection of the environment while 4x4'ing. We try to make 4x4ing fun, with the focus on developing ones driving skills and keeping it very family orientated as possible. If you have any queries please send us an email at info@4x4cape.co.za

4x4 Cape Club Constitution

4x4Cape Club Membership

Drivers Briefing


Offroad4x4 Training Centre - All 4x4 Owners are recommended to attend at least Introductory 4x4 Training, before going off the beaten track.


EmotivKonsult - With Transparent Advice and Efficient Service, we ensure that your financial administration fits seamlessly with your business goals.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How big is the Club in membership size?

Answer - We are approximately 30 - 40 vehicles in size 

2. Are all 4x4 Brands allowed to join the Club?

Answer - Yes we are open to all makes and models of 4x4 and 4x2

3. Is camping a big thing on weekend outings?

Answer - We try to accomodate both Chalets and Camping spots on our weekend outings.

Resources To Assist The Member On Outings


A.    General requirements:

B.     Preferred equipment

C.    General Notes

D.     Recoveries

E.      Radio communication

F.      Convoy rules


A.     General requirements:

1.    Anyone behind the wheel must have a Driver’s License, and the drivers licence must be with you on the day. 

2.    Your vehicle must be roadworthy, and for the most part mechanically sound. If deemed unsafe, then you will NOT be allowed to participate, so please make sure. We have passengers along, let’s look after them. 

3.    Low Range capable; there are a number of areas we will be going at regular 4x2 or High Range may experience difficulties. Please engage LOW RANGE as we do not want to spend unnecessary time recovering vehicles.

4.    Camera/Video Camera. OK, The more pictures we can choose from the better. Teach your passengers to use your camera, get them involved too. Remember extra batteries, don’t run out halfway through. If you have more than one camera bring it along, and encourage your passengers to use their cell phones too


B.     Preferred equipment

1.    Basic recovery gear. If you don’t have your own, for example snatch straps, your vehicle should at least have decent recovery point’s front and back. 

2.    Compressor to re-inflate tyres after the drive, and tyre pressure gauge

3.    Spare wheel and jack!

4.    Fire Extinguisher – you never know.

5.    Basic First Aid kit.


C.    General Notes:

1.    The trail leader has the ultimate authority on decisions

2.    Obey the Safety Officer/Safety Marshals’ instructions AT ALL TIMES

3.    PLEASE, NO IRRESPONSIBLE DRIVING. Anything which is considered by the Safety Officer/marshals to be detrimental to the safety of your passengers, or may cause unnecessary harm to the venue, will be deemed irresponsible.

4.    Safety Officer/Safety Marshals may, at their discretion, instruct certain vehicles to bypass an obstacle. This is not meant as criticism, but is done in the interests of safety as well as speed to keep the group moving.

5.    Entry and use of route and facilities strictly at own risk.

6.    Stay on the route\track and follow the route direction at all times. 

7.    Closed gates must be closed after passing.

8.    No fires except in the designated area – please extinguish fire completely before leaving

9.    Do not discard cigarette butts: bush fires are a major hazard and concern!

10.  Leave only your tracks behind. Keep all refuse in your vehicle and dispose in the designated refuse bins are provided at the lapa/area where you stay.

11.  Designated Recovery Advisors and/or Safety Officer in case anyone experiences difficulties. This will limit the number of people needing to be out of vehicles. See specific recovery info below

12.  Passengers will be briefed to stay with their drivers/vehicles.

13.  Seatbelts to be worn, EXCEPT with water crossings.

14.  For water crossings, Seatbelts off and windows open.

15.  Maintain a safe following distance.

16.  Allow the vehicle in front of you to clear an obstacle before you make an attempt. Once you are through, call the obstacle clear.

17.  No driver is to feel at all pressured into attempting any obstacle he/she feels uncomfortable in negotiating

18.  No Flower Picking

19.  Observe 25 KM/H Speed limits past houses

20.  Driving up dam walls and similar is NOT permitted.

21.  No loose objects will be allowed inside or on the back of the vehicle.

22.  All drivers must wear lace up / closed shoes.

23.  Be on the lookout for tortoises - they have the right of way.

24.  Beware of snakes in summer. 


D.   Recoveries

1.    Safety First!!

2.    The trail leader, recovery advisors or Safety Officer will determine who will be responsible for a recovery and may also appoint assistants to execute specific tasks.

3.    ONLY the designated recovery official will be allowed to give instructions to the two vehicle drivers on the recovery sight.

4.    When tow ropes, winches and snatch straps are being used all persons must stand clear of such winch cables and snatch straps (at least one and a half lengths in all directions). There should preferably be no spectators

5.    Straps and cables MUST be weighted with blankets/similar

6.    Standard tow hitches do NOT constitute recovery points and will not be used

7.    If vehicle doesn’t have any recovery points, the driver of the stricken vehicle will hook the recovery belt. All vehicle damage will be the drivers own responsibility

8.    If recovery equipment is borrowed from another driver, the borrower is obliged to offer to buy such equipment from its owner at a price determined by the latter on the spot.


E.    Radio communication

1.    Radios are a critical component of safety and must be treated as such.

2.    All vehicle on the trail MUST have radio communication. In exceptional cases, drivers of vehicles without radios must make arrangements, in conjunction with the Trail Leader, with those that do have radios.

3.    The Trail Leader will determine the radio channel to be used and will inform every one of possible changes.

4.    Informal but proper radio procedures must be maintained and bad language or haggling is not allowed.

5.    It is the drivers’ responsibility to keep passengers OFF the radios unless they are specifically acting as “Radio Officers” and communicating trail info. This is especially important as the day wears on.

6.    In the event of the Trail Leader asking a general question to the whole convoy (e.g.: fuel or toilet stop), the replies should start from the number 2 position working to the rear.


F.     Convoy rules

1.    The Tail End Charlie/Rear Gunner is the designated member who will drive at the end of the convoy and will notify the Trail leader of convoy progress, including passing information regarding the convoy’s progress around obstacles and turns etc.

2.    The order in which vehicles start the trip must be kept for the duration of the trip.

3.    Road rules shall be observed at all times.

4.    The speed at which you drive is determined by the vehicle behind you. 

5.    The convoy will travel at the speed of the SLOWEST vehicles

6.    If the convoy is split, e.g. due to traffic lights, the following will apply:

o   If the forward part of the convoy is able to safely stop at the side of the road to wait for the remainder, then do so  

o   If not, the forward half of the convoy will reduce driving speed to as low as feasible (e.g. 60 on highway, 45 on a standard road) to allow the remainder to catch up.

7.    Ensure that there is adequate space for other road users to overtake one vehicle at a time.

8.    Each driver shall assume responsibility for the vehicle behind him, and must wait at turn-offs, corners, deviations or obstacles etc. to ensure that the following vehicle knows where to turn, where to drive or how to pass an obstacle.

9.    The Trail Leader may appoint any vehicle to take over his position as leading driver and to lead the convoy for a specific reason or time.

10.  Vehicles carrying first aid / recovery equipment and/or medical personnel and/or Safety Officer will be classified as emergency vehicles and as such must be given clear passage and right of way.

Duties of the Environmental Officer (Constitution)

·        Ensure that every member and guest on every outing or event behaves in an environmentally friendly manner.

·        To report any incident of misconduct in respect of the environment to the Committee.

Main Objectives

Promote adherence to the environmental guidelines to all club member, his/her guest or his/her dependent as per the guidelines in the Constitution of 4X4 Cape Club

Fauna & Flora

·        Preserve the fauna and flora.

·        Never disturb animals as it may affect their survival.

·        Obey fire restrictions and always extinguish camp fires when leaving a site.

·        Take out what you brought in (never bury litter).

·        Leave only foot-steps.

Responsible Driving

·        Obey the traffic laws.

·        Drive defensively and set the example to others.

·        Be friendly and courteous to other road users.

·        Assist 4x4 drivers that are immobile.

·        Do not drink and drive.

·        Keep to existing roads and tracks, be sensitive to eco systems.

·        Plan trips carefully prior to departure and take sufficient food, water, fuel and remember to stock the first-aid kit.

Fellow Human Beings

·        Respect the right of privacy, peace and solitude of other humans.

·        Refrain from encroaching on another member’s space and privacy

·        Positive communication.

·        Maintain and enforce a code of conduct for Club members

·        Obtain permission prior to drive on or over private land.

Complaints and Discipline

·        Any member, his guest or his dependent may be guilty of misconduct if he: -

o   drives in a reckless, negligent or irresponsible fashion,

o   wilfully causes damage to any vehicle other than his own,

o   drives under the influence of alcohol

o   endangers the life or property of any member or third party at any event or outing.


·        All complaints alleging misconduct shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the Secretary prior to the Committee meeting immediately following an incident.

·        The Committee shall consider the:

o   charges and

o   may obtain evidence from other members who were witnesses.

·        If there is substance to the charges the person charged with misconduct may be summoned to appear in front of the Committee. Person(s) charged may state their defence, but may not be represented by a third party.

·        The Committee shall consider all facts pertaining to the charge(s) and find the accused guilty or not guilty.

·        A person charged and found guilty shall be liable to one or more of the following:

o   Cautioned;

o   Reprimanded;

o   Fined, (sole discretion of the Committee);

o   Ordered to make good the damage he caused to other parties;

o   Suspended for a period not exceeding the rest of the financial year;

o   Expelled from the Club.

·        The reason for the decision of the Committee shall be made known to the accused.

Drivers Briefing

·        Drivers briefing must be held with all the drivers (and co-drivers) before commencement of a 4x4 Route or departing for a 4x4 venue.


Discussion Points to be Covered in the Briefing:

1.    Identify the Trail Leader           …………………………………………..

2.    Identify the Safety Officer       …………………………………………..

3.    Identify the Tail Gunner           …………………………………………..

4.    Note the time of departure                ……../…………

5.    Estimate the time of completion       ……../…………

6.    Safety Measures ( Safety Officer to note)

a.   Recommended Speed

b.   Following Distance

c.    Position in Convoy

d.   Identify procedure to be followed in the case of a breakdown and person responsible for assistance.

e.    ONE person in control of any recovery.

                          i.    If you are not part of the recovery, stay clear to avoid possible injury

f.     Wear your seatbelt at all times, except for water crossings

g.   Windows halfway closed, when driving side angles > 30degrees and open for water crossings

h.    Tie down any loose items in your 4x4

i.      Do not attempt obstacles you are not comfortable with, or use the escape route. Inform the Trail Leader of your decision.

j.      If you do not make the obstacle after the 3rd try, use the escape route

k.    Damage the trail, your will fix it

l.      If uncertain, ask for help

7.    No Co-Driver, no trail driving for Grade 4 and Higher

8.    29 MHz radio is essential for safety and trail management 

9.    Minimize the environmental impact on the trail by lowering tyre pressure according to suggested levels for 4x4 route. Failure to comply will put you at the rear of the convoy by instruction of the Trail Leader.

4x4 Cape Drivers Log Book

We promote that once you have complete a 4x4 route you main a log book of the route.

Things to note in the log book are:

Drivers details:

Your vehicle details:

The route:

Your experiences while driving the route:

Detail any recovery that happend to yourself or that you assisted with with a fellow colleague:

Detailing this important information provides and accurate record of the trip.

It is always recommended to complete the log book directly after completing the route.

Please find attached a PDF you can download and complete.

4X4Cape Club - Drivers Logbook

4x4Cape Fuel Recorder Application.

Easy to use and available to all 4x4Cape Members

Fuel Recorder App

Get in Touch

(+27) 82-461-4247

Open Hours

First Wed – 5:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday Outings — 9:00am – 4:30pm

4x4Cape Club